Thursday, September 29, 2011

Many Happy Returns of the Day - Sep 28th/29th 2011

They make me laugh
With their unbelievable skills at chess
They drive me nuts
With the art of making home, a mess!!

Most of my routine days,
They seem to behave so well
I wonder what gets into their head
When everything they do makes me YELL!!

When my days are blue and am mad with’em
They always pick the right words to say
But I know the smarty pants in and out
They love trouble and know how to get away…

All they do is loads of fun…
…at times pushing me to shout and scream…
But it is for the sweet duo in my life…
I’m blessed to be living this beautiful dream!!

It is again fall time of the year,
While Nature’s busy coloring mountains and trees…
Daddy and his darling daughter…
…all set to enter their three’s…

Another year of precious family times….
Full of crazy songs and adorable rhymes…
Comes September with my happiest day…
Wishing you both “A wonderful Birthday”:)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Introducing Dubeyz and the extended family...

My dinner Invitation last september - 2010:)

So what if Summer's done,
So what if soon all leaves would be gone...
With the snow and chill ahead of us..
Also starts our party rush:)
For the festivities are lining up....
While I still wonder..does time really fly,
The apple of my eyes have grown up...
Believe it or not, the little peanut is going to school..
And Un-fazed by the graying streaks,
the older one is still trying to act cool;)
As fall adds some more colors to life...
I invite you to take that little drive...
and be at 4 Bigelow way...
For it's Daddy & Daughter's 'Happy Birthday':))

Pizza demand by my picky eater:)

Before daddy dearest picks on me for choosing the 'Picky Eater' adjective for his darling daughter, let me quickly share my first time Pizza from scratch experience.

It was a short week after the July 4th long weekend and I am enjoying every bit of being back on my blog space on the weekend eve - the smiley up on the subject line is nothing to do with being a picky eater's mom, you might have guessed by now - 'TGIF':) . I wrapped my day sooner than normal for an early school pick up - we generally spend our five minutes drive time from school to home talking about what happened at school, who came etc, then I insisting on use of hindi for communication and she negotiating what all 'junk' (by my definition) options she has for snack when we get home. Eating regular staple food is one of the least liked activities by my angel - yes if it were Indian mixture or raisins or cereal bar or candies, the story would have been different. After her snack and while playing the 4th round of chess (it's just arranging the dots that defines a game of chess at this age), I heard what was music to my ears. Mom! Can I have some Pizza today. I know pizza is no less junk, but I was just glad she asked for something more close to dinner kind than mixture or raisin;).

I jumped on my feet - got all my ingredients ready and of course my big helper was by my side all excited to help. In no time - I had flour all around my kitchen for the BIG helper was sprinkling the flour while mommy was kneading the dough. It was fun for us both -I was trying it from scratch the first time and to her just the fact that she was allowed to make all the mess, get covered in flour sans the background noise momma generally makes in such situations.

We looked in the pantry/fridge for our inventory to decide on toppings - she would have preferred some chicken but unfortunately we could only find some broccoli, colored peppers, Mozzarella cheese and some pasta sauce to substitute for the pizza sauce. I must have gone through the you tube videos explaining pizza making steps 10 times but was still pretty anxious to see the results. While we were busy messing around and setting the stage for our Pizza, daddy dearest walked in and looked around, wondering if his Friday evening was going to be spent cleaning the kitchen. The word Pizza and the idea of making it from scratch sure did not seem to make much sense to Daddoo who prefers to keep life simple - took him some sincere efforts to hide the apprehensions and choose the right encouraging words:). When the first pizza came out of the oven, daddoo had to be the guinea pig. The little devil by then was tired, starving and impatient enough to decide on giving the pizza a skip and going with the more comforting glass of milk. Took lot of coaxing to get her to try a slice. Papa who loves Pizza was really delighted with the outcome and was ready to grab a few more slices. I, who is not as big of a Pizza lover, was thoroughly excited about the successful attempt and ended up eating way too many slices - enough to outdo the morning 1.5 hr workout effect. I am sure with the remaining dough, our Saturday is going to be a Pizza day and little one too is going to catch up on her share over the more relaxed weekend. Thanks to her for throwing the idea and pushing me into trying something unexplored - it is never too late to learn:).

Friday's are eagerly awaited by all of us I guess:- wrapping the week up to go back to your loved ones for two full days is simply divine. Not having to force open your eyes when your heart desires to buy those invaluable 2 more minutes of sleep; Not having to rush to bathe her, feed her, drop her at school and make it to a 8:30 meeting; and everything else that comes with a weekend for a working mom, who also has a hidden desire to have all the time to laze around and spend what's called some quality moments with her little bundle of joy, who is growing really fast amidst this mad race of life.
When I left home this morning, I knew my day was going to be crazy starting with some insane data analysis work. But by the end of it, a great gym workout, some good data analysis outcome and the yummy homemade pizza - just the perfect end to a hectic week. So look forward to the weekend now:).