Thursday, September 29, 2011

Many Happy Returns of the Day - Sep 28th/29th 2011

They make me laugh
With their unbelievable skills at chess
They drive me nuts
With the art of making home, a mess!!

Most of my routine days,
They seem to behave so well
I wonder what gets into their head
When everything they do makes me YELL!!

When my days are blue and am mad with’em
They always pick the right words to say
But I know the smarty pants in and out
They love trouble and know how to get away…

All they do is loads of fun…
…at times pushing me to shout and scream…
But it is for the sweet duo in my life…
I’m blessed to be living this beautiful dream!!

It is again fall time of the year,
While Nature’s busy coloring mountains and trees…
Daddy and his darling daughter…
…all set to enter their three’s…

Another year of precious family times….
Full of crazy songs and adorable rhymes…
Comes September with my happiest day…
Wishing you both “A wonderful Birthday”:)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Introducing Dubeyz and the extended family...

My dinner Invitation last september - 2010:)

So what if Summer's done,
So what if soon all leaves would be gone...
With the snow and chill ahead of us..
Also starts our party rush:)
For the festivities are lining up....
While I still wonder..does time really fly,
The apple of my eyes have grown up...
Believe it or not, the little peanut is going to school..
And Un-fazed by the graying streaks,
the older one is still trying to act cool;)
As fall adds some more colors to life...
I invite you to take that little drive...
and be at 4 Bigelow way...
For it's Daddy & Daughter's 'Happy Birthday':))

Pizza demand by my picky eater:)

Before daddy dearest picks on me for choosing the 'Picky Eater' adjective for his darling daughter, let me quickly share my first time Pizza from scratch experience.

It was a short week after the July 4th long weekend and I am enjoying every bit of being back on my blog space on the weekend eve - the smiley up on the subject line is nothing to do with being a picky eater's mom, you might have guessed by now - 'TGIF':) . I wrapped my day sooner than normal for an early school pick up - we generally spend our five minutes drive time from school to home talking about what happened at school, who came etc, then I insisting on use of hindi for communication and she negotiating what all 'junk' (by my definition) options she has for snack when we get home. Eating regular staple food is one of the least liked activities by my angel - yes if it were Indian mixture or raisins or cereal bar or candies, the story would have been different. After her snack and while playing the 4th round of chess (it's just arranging the dots that defines a game of chess at this age), I heard what was music to my ears. Mom! Can I have some Pizza today. I know pizza is no less junk, but I was just glad she asked for something more close to dinner kind than mixture or raisin;).

I jumped on my feet - got all my ingredients ready and of course my big helper was by my side all excited to help. In no time - I had flour all around my kitchen for the BIG helper was sprinkling the flour while mommy was kneading the dough. It was fun for us both -I was trying it from scratch the first time and to her just the fact that she was allowed to make all the mess, get covered in flour sans the background noise momma generally makes in such situations.

We looked in the pantry/fridge for our inventory to decide on toppings - she would have preferred some chicken but unfortunately we could only find some broccoli, colored peppers, Mozzarella cheese and some pasta sauce to substitute for the pizza sauce. I must have gone through the you tube videos explaining pizza making steps 10 times but was still pretty anxious to see the results. While we were busy messing around and setting the stage for our Pizza, daddy dearest walked in and looked around, wondering if his Friday evening was going to be spent cleaning the kitchen. The word Pizza and the idea of making it from scratch sure did not seem to make much sense to Daddoo who prefers to keep life simple - took him some sincere efforts to hide the apprehensions and choose the right encouraging words:). When the first pizza came out of the oven, daddoo had to be the guinea pig. The little devil by then was tired, starving and impatient enough to decide on giving the pizza a skip and going with the more comforting glass of milk. Took lot of coaxing to get her to try a slice. Papa who loves Pizza was really delighted with the outcome and was ready to grab a few more slices. I, who is not as big of a Pizza lover, was thoroughly excited about the successful attempt and ended up eating way too many slices - enough to outdo the morning 1.5 hr workout effect. I am sure with the remaining dough, our Saturday is going to be a Pizza day and little one too is going to catch up on her share over the more relaxed weekend. Thanks to her for throwing the idea and pushing me into trying something unexplored - it is never too late to learn:).

Friday's are eagerly awaited by all of us I guess:- wrapping the week up to go back to your loved ones for two full days is simply divine. Not having to force open your eyes when your heart desires to buy those invaluable 2 more minutes of sleep; Not having to rush to bathe her, feed her, drop her at school and make it to a 8:30 meeting; and everything else that comes with a weekend for a working mom, who also has a hidden desire to have all the time to laze around and spend what's called some quality moments with her little bundle of joy, who is growing really fast amidst this mad race of life.
When I left home this morning, I knew my day was going to be crazy starting with some insane data analysis work. But by the end of it, a great gym workout, some good data analysis outcome and the yummy homemade pizza - just the perfect end to a hectic week. So look forward to the weekend now:).

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

PotLuck - not just fun but so much to learn!

When a group of individuals come together, they have to have something in common to make it work. And I am so fortunate to have found friends who like us: think - talk - plan - implement and enjoy everything about food. Every time we meet, we are not just focused on gorging on the food in front of us, but also discuss all about what we'd like to gorge on the next time and then the next time and then more next times. There's only so many cuisines one can try in a lifetime...with this group and the enthusiasm for food - no cuisine will miss it's chance to be tried, tasted and of-course appreciated:).

Before we started our official Potlucks this year, we used to meet over good food often. Kudos to Hazra for coming up with the monthly Potluck idea. Not that we needed reason to meet and eat...this made sure we met every month (even during the harsh snowing winters in New England) and also shared the cooking responsibility. Must say I am enjoying it thoroughly, more so because we have a food theme every month and it gives us all opportunity to try unexplored food territories. It is enlightening to discover that the international cuisines that might seem so much out of reach when we order them at the restaurants, are indeed so much easier to prepare from scratch - with the ability to add a personalized touch that caters to your taste. Oh yes, needless to mention - the rule of thumb for our potluck is all food is home made:). I used to be so conservative when it came to trying out new recipes...always stuck to my same old Indian home made food...the Potluck sure has given me so much confidence to explore the international cuisines.

In the past, I noticed with regular Potlucks, it is very important to have some variations with food, else it gets boring and more of a burden - having to repeat the same recipe's again and again. You get tagged with being good at making one thing and every potluck you are expected to bring the same - agreed sometimes it is safe to go with the tried and tested, but then does not do much for the creative cook and need to learn insticts in someone who loves to explore more with eating and cooking. We welcomed year 2011 with our first Potluck hosted by Hazra and Andre in January - the theme was Indian Eclectic Mix- some great spicy food in the relaxing surroundings of one of the most cozy places in town (yes I'm talking about the Beausoleil abode). Menu included fish cutlets, Egg/Potato chops, Veg Pulao, Chicken Makhani, Veggie Mushrooms and the Devine English Triffle for dessert:). The second one, very well planned by our ultimate hosts Suchi and Abhi with the Asian Fusion theme - food here was to die for...tom-yum Soup, steamed chicken shrimp dumplings- Malasian chicken curry with white rice- Sesame Chicken Satay with peanut sauce - Pad Ke Mao followed by the very awesome Carrot cake....can go back in time to eat these again:). For this month, Dubeyz are the host with Middle Eastern theme and details are documented on another post that follows.

Well curious, what does the 2.5 yr old Aadyah do amongst the foodie grown ups during our Potlucks - well she dresses up to pose for cameras and sometimes laughs at our jokes without understanding a bit:))

There's nothing that beats the combination of GOOD FOOD & GREAT COMPANY....Cheers!!

March Potluck: Welcoming Spring - The Middle Eastern Way!

For the March Potluck, we picked Middle Eastern for the theme and the moment it was shared, our great cooks were all over the Internet looking for what they could bring. We all are very emotional and involved foodies and never fail to bring more food than needed for the number of people. Our mindset is lets not miss our only chance to try the theme and just make everything that sounds yummy - eat like there's no tomorrow:). It was my turn to host the Potluck - of course... Ajay handles the 'Make the home presentable' part and I handle the yelling part to get that done:)....I am good at yelling, if I don't, the entire effort and time goes into cleaning the small 200 sq ft office room - we never have time to get to the bigger and more accessed parts of the house. Aadyah joins in to lend her helping hand - BIG helper, sometimes I get more help than I need...but she's so much fun. After confirming every one's availability, I shot the email asking everyone to pour in their Middle Eastern ideas.
Our very first response came in from Andre (if I could say so, biggest admirer of good food in the group) - Lamb Kebabs and Gyro..ummmm...sounds yum....Though it clearly was an suggestion, Hazra dint miss her chance to have some fun in telling Andre, a response means the one who responded makes the items he listed....that statement sure made Andre nervous and not respond to our emails again - that was bad Haz!...we do love your ideas Andre - keep sending them:). Here's what followed for the final Menu:
  • Suchi & Abhi - Kabsa (rice and chicken dish from the Arab) - Thanks to Suchi's dad who shared this great recipe and of course our chief chef Abhi who takes up all the hard work with Suchi bossing around and making trouble all the time...wait till the BIG protest from Suchi starts, for me calling Abhi the chief chef and her the trouble maker - but the group will support me on this:)
  • Haz and Andre - Tabouli Salad and Baklava (Haz is our dessert queen - best desserts made from scratch - yum was the Baklava and of course the host gets to relish all leftovers. I was nice enough to share some of the Leftover baklava with Andre, knowing he loves all Haz desserts and even after he got me killed multiple times in the game of Mafia:)
  • Ronita, Aj and Aadyah - After lot of confusion on what to make and thorough research on youtube, it was Falafel with chicken stuffing, Roasted Red Pepper hummus, Baba Ghanoush and the undisclosed attempt on making Pita from scratch (turned out fine but practice would make it better)
  • Sonali, Shiv, Som and Sunny: Lamb Rack, Arabian Shrimp. Ok I thought no one could be more confused than me when it comes to choosing the dish, but No - there was Sonali to beat me there....Hours spent on Internet - no outcome, then more hours spent in the grocery...I could visualize Sonali and the lambs looking at each other for hours with so much love and bit of nervousness - like two people trying to fall in love but undecided if lamb would make a better partner than the shrimps....and then few calls to the Potluck team to get mixed opinions and finally ending up in dual partnership-with both lamb and shrimp...Shiv decided to display his creative skills with trying a new drink which he named 'Classic Mombo Jombo' - Oh My God that's completely made up...
  • Tushar - our forced bachelor friend:) - missed his wife Nilu badly, for he realised we ladies are good at making decisions and would have helped him get the much needed confidence with trying his hands on something Middle Eastern...He played safe in the absence of Nilu and decided to rely on famous Boston based Mike's pastry for the yummy Welcome Spring cake - so apt for the month of march...

That was our big Menu list...ask me about the quantity...we all believe there should never be scarcity of good food (Amen!)...if its 11 of us, each one of us will cook for at least 15...and with all the items..there was only food all around my kitchen....when everyone started gathering, I and Sonali started to fry the Falafel for they taste better if served hot - my attempts at Pita would have been a disaster if not for Hazra's just in time help that saved them...the evening started with Falafel Pita wraps, Tabouli salad and assorted drinks including Classic Mombo Jombo:)...

What followed was the game "Mafia" that took serious efforts on Aj's part to explain the rules, with Suchi's constant trouble making act, trying to sabotage Aj's attempts...they simply love to fight about everything and pull each other down...some strict disciplinary ground rules finally helped with starting the game. Only to find that the players need to go back to Kindergarten and get their basic listening skills refreshed. Having played the game before, I was just so SMART at it - my game plan & analysis skills were at it best, but... being the competitive player that Andre is, he saw me as a big threat and made sure I was killed no matter I was a Villager or a Mafia....Haz kept wondering through out who are the Mafias and kept killing the poor villagers....Aj, Som and Abhi were the consistent Mafia's and Suchi took over from Aj soon as the coordinator...I told you - girls are so much better at managing anything and everything.....Sunny was busy with the computer and kept targeting Daddy Shiv every time he had the Mafia powers...Andre could not control his Mafia instincts and decided to act as a Mafia informer while being a villager - (trust me all he was trying was to get me killed by ganging with the Mafia's)...that's when we realized, it is not good to keep Andre away from food for long...he was taking multiple breaks to eat Baklava's (which he was asked to stay strictly away from till the Potluck day, else there wouldn't have been any left) and too much sugar made Andre super hyper:) any case, we all were tired of killing the Villagers/Mafias, and distracted with the delicious Kabsa, Lamb Racks, Shrimps and Baklava's waiting for us....

Time again to attack on the food......we went crazy and out of could only see little food left - the amount that looked excess when we started was disappearing fast...Baklava and Mike's pastry for Desserts were just perfect to add that sweet tinge to our Middle Eastern food festival.....the evening continued with some Charade game, interesting trivia, fun facts - read out by Aj and Shiv from their IPhone and lot of small interesting catch up talks that went on till past mid night...this included discussion on ideas for next Potlucks...Brazilian, West Indies, Malasian..etc etc are all on our minds...

It was such a warm welcome to the much awaited spring after long months of snow this our surprise, the week that followed had three snow days - luckily mild though...Spring is almost here:)) - if not, lets bribe Mother Nature with another intermediate Potluck - good enough reason for us to eat and celebrate:)) looking forward to our next one....

No blog's complete without a few poses from our little princess - Don't miss the colorful spring outfit:)

I repeat: There's nothing that beats the combination of GOOD FOOD & GREAT COMPANY....we proved it again:)) Cheers!!