Saturday, September 4, 2010

Toast to the bestest brother:)

BROTHER'S WEEK: If you have a brother who has made you laugh. Pulled your hair. Stuck up for you. Drove you crazy. Hugged you. Watched you succeed. Saw you fall. Picked you back up. Cheered you on. Made you strong. Can't do without. Copy and paste this to your status...

Bhai - read the above on a friend's status on FB...each word resonates with some memorable moments of growing up in your never would have been as much fun without you...there are so many things on my mind at this moment that I would want to pen down...but words won't do justice to preciousness of the time spent with you...

I have looked up to you all my life..wanted to do everything like a person as good as you are - that's a tough one to match upto...can only say I'm have been a strong support and were always there...can't say enough about what it meant to have you next to me during the difficult times - would have given up without you and your love...remember still you said once - can't see you cry like this, I have to fix things for you..and you did help with fixing it all, everytime I was in any problem:))...and yes these good words have nothing to do with my awesome rakhi gift:))...can't stop laughing when I think about those rakhi ka 50 paisa/ek rupaya that you asked me to return when we'd have a fight ..and I would reciprocate by asking you to return my rakhi first;)...

Wish to go back in time and assist you again with your funny (read wierd) experiments...with science, food, cars...OMG everything thinkable or should I say unthinkable...some notable ones for the sake of written records and reading pleasure for those unaware (read Aadyah, Shaurya, if/when we have more kids;) and may be bhauja too):))
1) Your path breaking, oops sorry thermometer breaking experiment: the imported fever thermometer (anything imported was precious those days) that succumbed when subjected to the bubbling boiling water...can never forget the blast, followed by some very unforgettable spankings - the mercury remains were preserved in a test tube for a long long took me down with was all your idea...I never had the brains to think that far:)
2) Your coolest soft drinks: soda drink technology - made from scratch...Orange/Cola Rasna + Baking Powder + I have your formula right Mr scientist (wonder at times how you missed getting the Nobel prize, my bad - only if I had documented these before)...pure chemistry from books applied in kitchen...we were safe on this one till you would prove the experiment by shaking the mixture in a bottle and spraying/spilling the soda out like opening a champagne to celebrate your success...the mess got us into trouble from mom....
3) Your icecreams: I have had the luxury of having unthinkable flavours of homemade icecream as you believed in using the freezer technology beyond just making ice cubes..though most of the times your icecreams could qualify more as flavoured ice cubes..the ice cream industry felt really insecure during those years...competetion you gave them inspired them to make better ice cream and glad the black current flavours made you accept icecreams are better paid for than made;)
4) Your homemade chocolate - as I type it, can visualise that look still...a thick layer of dalda (turned yellowish due to heating) on top of dark choco powder mixed with milk and frozen to settle ...look - aweful, taste - bitter from chocolate & dalda like from dalda...Recipe - NEVER TRY or TRY at your own risk - Mix sugar, milk, choco powder and dalda, probably in equal quantities and bring the mixture to boil and freeze for mixture to settle - bingo, chocolate ready except all ingredients in an attempt to escape have made their own layers - the ingredients never thought someone could put them through such a traumatic experience! WARNING - keep away from children all age and chocolate loving adults!
5) Your racing tracks: major part of our small single bedroom defence quarters were covered with books, scales and anything with flat surface to make tough racing tracks for the free maggi cars...hours spent on car stunts on those tracks...
6) Your engineer brain: any toy or mechanical item had to be opened to understand the technology..not sure if the technology made any sense but the things could never see light of the day again after your attempts to dismantle them...Rest in peace to all those things!!

The list can go on and on...and so can I...
for this is with love ...for my adorable bhai...

Love you so much...ttttiiiiiiight hug:)

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